RSPG24-026 - Agenda of the RSPG #65 Meeting
RSPG24-027 - State of play regarding award of 5G pioneer bands
RSPG24-028 - Progress report of the Subgroup on Peer review and Member State cooperation
RSPG24-029 - Progress report of the Subgroup 6G Strategic vision
RSPG24-030 - Draft RSPG Report on 6G Strategic vision
RSPG24-031 - Progress report of the Subgroup on Long-term vision for the upper 6 GHz band
RSPG24-032 - Progress report of the Subgroup on Strategic Spectrum Matters
RSPG24-033 - Progress report of the Subgroup on Good Offices
RSPG24-034 - Progress report of the Subgroup on Sub-700 MHz
RSPG24-035 - Progress report of the Subgroup on the WRC
RSPG24-036 - List of documents for publication RSPG #65
RSPG24-037 - Chairman's report RSPG #65