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Radio Spectrum Policy Group

Article 35 Notifications

On this page, the relevant information on Member States’ and EEA EFTA countries’ notifications pursuant to Article 35(1) and 23(2) of the Code is published.

Annual reports

RSPG Peer Review Report 2024 (Document RSPG24-004)

RSPG Peer Review Report 2023 (Document RSPG23-004)

Notifications Article 35

The table below contains the data on notifications that were submitted as of January 2024.

If a Member State or an EEA EFTA country requests the RSPG to convene a Peer Review Forum (PRF)

- relevant PRF meeting date will be published as soon as it is confirmed; 

- the information concerning the participants will be published after the relevant PRF meeting, and

- the PRF interim report will be published after its adoption at the following RSPG plenary meeting.


DateMember State/ EEA EFTA countriesFrequency BandsAdditional information

PRF Request



Date of PRF

PRF information
13/09/2024Finland 703-733MHz and 758-788 MHzLicences will cover only Åland islands locally.NNANA
24/06/2024Slovenia700MHz – 733-736/788-791 MHz 

Provision of business critical M2M communications in dedicated networks – repeat of the 2020 tender after the spectrum holder returned the licence.

Public consultation: 08/04/2024 – 08/05/2024 

Application period: 14/06/2024 – 26/08/2024

Tender documentation


1965-1980 MHz/

2155-2170 MHz

Public consultation 22/03/2024 – 19/04/2024

Call for applications

Published on 31 May 2024, with deadline for submission of applications the 1st of July 2024

Completion of procedure foreseen by October 2024.

03/01/2024Latvia1734.80 MHz – 1735.20 MHz / 1829.80 MHz – 1830.20 MHz and 1759.80 MHz – 1760.00 MHz / 1854.80 MHz – 1855.00 MHzPublic consultationNNANA