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Radio Spectrum Policy Group

Opinions and Reports

  1. 2024
    • RSPG Opinion on “How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs?”
      Document RSPG24-019 (June 2024)
    • RSPG Report on the result of the ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference 2023
      Document RSPG24-017 (June 2024)
    • RSPG Opinion on assessment of different possible scenarios for the use of the frequency bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz by the Mobile Satellite Services beyond 2027
      Document RSPG24-007 (February 2024)
    • RSPG Peer Review Report
      Document RSPG24-004 (February 2024)
  2. 2023
    • RSPG Opinion on 5G developments and possible implications for 6G spectrum needs and guidance on the rollout of future wireless broadband networks 
      Document RSPG23-040 (October 2023)
    • RSPG Report on the role of radio spectrum policy to help combat climate change
      Document RSPG23-038 (October 2023)
    • RSPG Opinion on Strategy on the future use of the frequency band 470-694 MHz beyond 2030 in the EU
      Document RSPG23-035 (October 2023)
    • RSPG Opinion on The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure
      Document RSPG23-016 (11 May 2023)
      Addendum on satellite authorisations to the RSPG Opinion on the Future of the Electronic Communication Sector and its infrastructure
      Document RSPG23-044 (October 2023) 
    • RSPG Report on Mobile technology evolution – experiences and strategies
      Document RSPG23-010 (15 February 2023)
    • RSPG Peer Review Report 2023
      Document RSPG23-004 (15 February 2023)
  3. 2022
  4. 2021
    • RSPG Opinion on the role of radio spectrum policy to help combat climate change
      Document RSPG21-041 (24 November 2021)
    • RSPG Opinion on the targeted consultation on the 2030 Digital Compass 
      Documents RSPG21-037 (3 August 2021)
    • RSPG Report on the role of radio spectrum policy to help combat climate change 
      Document RSPG21-026 (16 June 2021)
    • RSPG Opinion on a Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) 
      Document RSPG21-033 (16 June 2021)
    • RSPG Interim Opinion on WRC-23
      Document RSPG21-031 (16 June 2021)
    • RSPG Opinion on the application of EECC Article 28(3) in relation to cross-border interference problems between Italy and Croatia in the UHF band 
      Document RSPG21-029 (16 June 2021)
    • RSPG Opinion on Additional spectrum needs and guidance on the fast rollout of future wireless broadband networks
      Document RSPG21-024  (16 June 2021)
    • RSPG Opinion on Spectrum Sharing – Pioneer initiatives and bands
      Document RSPG21-022(16 June 2021)
    • RSPG Report on Spectrum Sharing – A forward-looking survey
      Document RSPG21-016 (10 February 2021)
  5. 2020
  6. 2019
    • RSPG Report on European Spectrum Strategy
      Document RSPG19-031 (09 October 2019)
    • RSPG Opinion on EU coordination at ITU-R Radiocommunication Conferences 
      Document RSPG19-009 (30 January 2019)
    • RSPG Opinion on 5G implementation challenges (RSPG 3rd opinion on 5G) 
      Document RSPG19-007 (30 January 2019)
    • RSPG Report on “impact of the EECC on the work of RSPG”
      Document RSPG19-004 (30 January 2019)
  7. 2018
    • RSPG Opinion on the ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference 2019
      Document RSPG18-038 (03 October 2018)
    • RSPG Report on the results of the RSPG “Good offices” for 700 MHz spectrum clearance and migration of broadcasting service below 694 MHz
      Document RSPG18-042 (03 October 2018)
    • RSPG Second Opinion on 5G networks ( Strategic Spectrum Road Map Towards 5G for Europe)
      Document RSPG18-005 (30 January 2018)
    • Joint BEREC and RSPG joint report on Facilitating mobile connectivity in “challenge areas”
      Document RSPG18-001 (09 January 2018)
  8. 2017
    • RSPG Opinion on a long-term strategy on future spectrum needs and use of wireless audio and video PMSE applications
      Document RSPG17-037 Final Rev1 (21 November 2017)
    • RSPG Opinion on Spectrum issues in the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Electronic Communications Framework
      Document RSPG17-017 Final (07 February 2017)
    • RSPG Interim Opinion on Common Policy Objectives for WRC-19
      Document RSPG17-010 Final ( 07 February 2017)
    • RPSG Opinion on Spectrum Aspects of Intelligent Transport Systems
      Document RSPG17-008 Final (07 February 2017)
    • RSPG Opinion on the Spectrum Aspects of the Internet-of-things (IoT) including M2M 
      Document RSPG17-006 Final (07 February 2017)
  9. 2016
    • RSPG Opinion on spectrum related aspects for next-generation wireless systems (5G)
      Document RSPG16-032 FINAL (09 November 2016)
    • RSPG Report on the results of the RSPG “Good offices” in bilateral negotiations between EU countries
      Document RSPG16-046 FINAL (9 November 2016)
    • RSPG Opinion on the implementation of the current RSPP and its revision to address the next period 
      Document RSPG16-006 FINAL (24 February 2016)
    • RSPG Report on the results of the public consultation on the Review of the EU  Telecommunications Framework
      Document RSPG16-022 FINAL (08 June 2016)
    • RSPG Report on the result of the ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference 2015
      Document RSPG16-017 FINAL (08 June 2016)
    • RSPG Report on Efficient Awards and Efficient Use of Spectrum 
      Document RSPG16-004 FINAL (24 February 2016)
    • RSPG Opinion on DSM and Framework Review 
      Document RSPG16-001 FINAL (29 January 2016)
  10. 2015
  11. 2014
  12. 2013
    • RSPG Opinion in Licensed Shared Access 
      Document RSPG13-538 (12 November 2013)
    • RSPG Report on Strategic Sectoral Spectrum Needs 
      Document RSPG13-540 (rev2) (12 November 2013)
    • Opinion on Strategic Challenges facing Europe in addressing the Growing Spectrum Demand for Wireless Broadband 
      Document RSPG13-521rev1 (13 June 2013)
    • Interim Opinion on Common Policy Objectives for WRC-15 
      Document RSPG13-525 (13 June 2013)
    • Report on Spectrum for Wireless Broadband and Broadcasting in the Frequency Range 400 MHz to 6 GHz 
      Document RSPG13-522 (June 2013)
    • Report on proposed spectrum coordination approach for broadcasting in the case of a reallocation of the 700 MHz band 
      Document RSPG13-524 (June 2013)
    • Report on Furthering Interference Management through exchange of regulatory best practices concerning regulation and/or standardisation 
      Document RSPG13-527 rev1(June 2013)
  13. 2012
  14. 2011
    • Opinion on Cognitive Technologies 
      Document RSPG10-348 (February 2011)
    • Opinion on Common Policy Objectives for WRC-12 
      Document RSPG10-350 (February 2011)
    • The future of radio broadcasting in Europe – Identified needs, opportunities and possible ways forward
      Document RSPG10-349 and Annex (replies to the questionnaire) (February 2011)
  15. 2010
    • Report on Frequency Coordination and Other Issues
      Document RSPG10-347 (17 November 2010)
    • Opinion on the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme 
      Document RSPG10-330 (June 2010)
    • Joint RSPG-BEREC activity on competition issues – Third report on the impact of technological and market evolution on market definitions: the case of spectrum 
      Document RSPG10-335 (June 2010)
    • Report on improving spectrum efficiency and utilisation in frequency bands relative to the Digital Dividend 
      Document RSPG10-331 (June 2010)
    • Report on cognitive technologies concerning the Digital Dividend 
      Document RSPG10-306 (11 February 2010)
  16. 2009
    • Report on Assignment and pricing methods 
      Document RSPG09-298 (14 December 2009)
    • Opinion on the Preparation of ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences
      Document RSPG09-294 (5 November 2009)
    • Opinion on the Main themes of WRC-12 of interest for EU-Wide support
      Document RSPG09-295 (5 November 2009)
    • Second Report on the Joint RSPG/ERG activity on “New competition challenges resulting
      Document RSPG09-278 rev.2 (22 October 2009)
    • Opinion on the Digital Dividend 
      Document RSPG09-291(18 September 2009)
    • First Report on the Joint RSPG/ERG activity on “New competition challenges resulting from a more flexible management of spectrum” 
      Document RSPG09-277 (4 June 2009)
    • Position Paper on the Digital Dividend
      Document RSPG09-271 (13 May 2009)
    • Position Paper on Wireless Broadband
      Document RSPG09-284 (13 May 2009)
    • Opinion on Best practices regarding the use of spectrum by public sectors 
      Document RSPG09-258 (11 February 2009)
  17. 2008
  18. 2007
  19. 2006
    • Opinion on the Introduction of Multimedia Services in particular in the frequency bands allocated to the broadcasting services
      Document RSPG06-143 (25 October 2006)
    • Opinion and Report on a Coordinated EU Spectrum Approach for Scientific Use of Radio Spectrum
      Document RSPG06-144 (25 October 2006)
  20. 2005
  21. 2004